Révisions "Basics"

I - What is the date today?

1) Reorder the days of the week

2) Several exercices about the months and seasons

3) Months and celebrations

4) Ordinal numbers

5) Writing down dates. Mind the order...

II - Can you count?

1) Listen and match the numbers

2) Listen and write down the numbers

III - What is the weather like today?

1) Match the pictures and vocabulary

2) Match the pictures and audios

3) Past / Present / Future weather forecast (text)

4) Past / Present / Future weather forecast (audio)

IV - Classroom English

1 - Asking for permission

1) Matching text and pictures

2) Matching audio and pictures

3) Memory games (text + audio)

2 - Oops... I have forgotten...

3 - Class situations

1) Matching text and pictures

2) Matching audio and text

3) Écris ce que tu dirais dans ces différentes situations

V - What time is it?

Cours 5°

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